
fredag 2 december 2011

The Epic Basement

In a scary Place in the middle of New york there was a kid called Benjamin. He was without parents cause they had died in a mystical car accident with  a big monster truck. The monster had drived over there new mercedes where Benjamins parents had been.  The driver was never found and the cops where npt believed that it was now driver.  Benjamin where living in a big  orphanage. It was not so many childrens ther. Benjamin whas very bored all the time so he used to be in the city looking for adventures One time when Benjamin where in the big dark basement. He stumbled over a cover. He got a wall in hes hed he was ling there in two an a half houres. He got a black out. But after a long time he woke up. But he could not found the exit. Then he found the cover that he had stumbled on. He pulled on it and at last it opend up. It was very heavy. When it whas opend he loked down on total darkness.  It was no ladder and and Benjamin was not fearful at all. He jumped down. He don*t now how long the fall was but it felled like it  was a mile long. After a long time he saw something that looked like whater and in the next second he splached in the water. But it was not water it felt like oil or something. He was drowned down a long time and he started to past out. When he woked up he was in a big and dark room. It was not so furnished. But it had a big fireplace and in the fireplace it looked like blue flames. In front of the fireplace it looked like a wheelchair an it was a person in it. He carefully walked two the person. Benjamin thought that it was a old man. But his body looked funny.Benjamin ignored that i was scared if somebody woud her me. So he started to run. When he come to him Benjamin saw that hes hed had two big hornes on his head and a pair af big lion legs. His arms whas a bers. He was two a lot bigger then a man. Benjamin recoild back. He thought about to run. Bet the sacary guy hold me in my hand.
-You shoud not had come her boy. Benjamin screamed. He found a knife and put it in the hed of the creture. He run of and suddenly Benjamin found a door an opend it.He opend it and at once he was in  in  a opend landscape. When he was there a butiful girl was there. She was dancing and subbenly there was a million of monsters and they all went to the girl and slayed her. Benjamin screamed and all the monsters went for him. Suddenly it comes a great army of humens. And suddenly he was in a graet battle field. It whas in a hakf houre nearly all monsters where dead and then it came a big dragon from the ground. And just when the dragon shoud fire its fire at him he wooked up in a great hospital at manhattan. Coud it really been just a dream?