yellow- Evrything ended happy
black-The sister was evel
white-You et get to now about the hunter and the sisters.
fredag 27 januari 2012
måndag 23 januari 2012
Summrize goldilocks
Goldilocks was a little cute girl that was called golilocks because she had many golden locks on her head. She liked to walk around in the woods for herself. In the woods it was a few good bears. One time one they walk around because ther porrige was too hot. Then goldilocks came round and disaded too go in. But it was no one home. She asked if anybody was home but no one answerd her. So she walked too the livingroom and find porrige. She tested all of the chairs there (the bears had one chair for each one of them. She took the babybear but she brokend it.And she took his porrige too. And it was the same thing with the beds. And she fall asleep. Th bears find her and she run away.
The end !
summrize goldilocks
Goldilocks was a little cute girl that was called golilocks because she had many golden locks on her head. She liked to walk around in the woods for herself. In the woods it was a few good bears. One time one they walk around because ther porrige was too hot. Then goldilocks came round and disaded too go in. But it was no one home. She asked if anybody was home but no one answerd her. So she walked too the livingroom and find porrige. She tested all of the chairs there (the bears had one chair for each one of them. She took the babybear but she brokend it.And she took his porrige too. And it was the same thing with the beds. And she fall asleep. Th bears find her and she run away.
The end !
Jag tycker att minbok var inte så lämpad för ungdomar. I början var det väldigt mycket adiektiv och kionstigt språk. Men den var väldigt bra om man hade tålamod. Men det var väldigt lett att måla upp landskapet framför sig.
Jag tycker att en bra bok ska vara lång och man ska kunna läsa i den länge. Den ska vara spännande och man ska kunna leva sig in i den. Jag tycker best om fantasy så det är ofta såna böckervsom jag tycker är bra. Min bok hade det i slutet mycket men inte så mycket i början.
Jag förstår många ord men det är ganska gamla ord. Det är beskrivande språk. Jag ser tydliga bilder.
Min berättelse följer inte helt detta mönster för att berättelsen inte är helt slut än och det kommer andra böcker. Jag tror att om man läser alla böckerna kommer den följa den kurvan. Men i början så beskriver dom en person med ett problem alltså Frodo och ringen.
onsdag 18 januari 2012
Labbrapport buktande speglar 16-01-11
Syfte- Att undersöka hur det går med spelar som är konvexa och konvaka.
Matrial- Lampa, Glas, ställning, vitt papper, mettalplatta, ljusdelare, konvak och konvex spegel. Utförande- Vi tände lampan och plaserade speglarna på rätt ställe.
utförande-Vi satte på alla grejer på stellningen sen tände vi lampan. och satte speglarna på mettal plattan.
utförande-Vi satte på alla grejer på stellningen sen tände vi lampan. och satte speglarna på mettal plattan.
Resultat, Konvaka speglar gör så att ljustrålarna skapar en brännpunkt, Konvexa gör så att ljustrålarna stutsar utåt.
Slutsats- Konvak delar ut ljuset på många ställen och konvaka skapar en brännpunkt i mitten.
fredag 13 januari 2012
summrize goldilocks
Goldilocks was a little cute girl that was called golilocks because she had many golden locks on her head. She liked to walk around in the woods for herself. In the woods it was a few good bears. One time one they walk around because ther porrige was too hot. Then goldilocks came round and disaded too go in. But it was no one home. She asked if anybody was home but no one answerd her. So she walked too the livingroom and find porrige. She tested all of the chairs there (the bears had one chair for each one of them. She took the babybear but she brokend it.And she took his porrige too. And it was the same thing with the beds. And she fall asleep. Th bears find her and she run away.
The end !
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